Why Beau Finley deserves your vote for Ward 3 Councilmember

Cleveland Park Smart Growth, a group I helped found and lead, is going through an endorsement process for Ward 3 Councilmembers. I took myself out of the endorsement process because I am so in the tank for Beau Finley.

As a member of CPSG, I had the opportunity, along with all the other members, to give the Endorsement Committee feedback on the race and to let them know who I think we should endorse and why.

My message to the committee is below. Bottom line, if Beau Finley can do on the Council what he has been able to do for Cleveland Park, the urbanist future of Ward 3 and D.C. is indeed bright.

I would add, that beyond urbanist issues, Beau’s combination of collegiality, depth of issue knowledge and progressive values puts him head and shoulders above everyone else in the race. Learn more about Beau’s outstanding platform at beaufinley.com.

I'd like to make the case for why I think CPSG should endorse Beau Finley. There are six key reasons why I believe that to be the case:

  1. Beau was instrumental in founding CPSG

  2. Beau has delivered is meaningful ways to advance core CPSG priorities

  3. Beau has policy depth unmatched in the field

  4. Beau has the temperament and qualities to make an effective Council member

  5. Beau's agenda fits perfectly with CPSG's agenda

  6. Lastly, Beau is very electable in this very wide open, multi-candidate race.

Beau and CPSG - Our organization literally sprang from the 2017 effort to amend the Comprehensive Plan where together, Beau, Emma Hersh, Susie Taylor and myself mobilized community support for greater density on the commercial strip and ending reversible lanes and adding bike lanes on Connecticut Ave. Petition signers who endorsed these plans and wanted to be kept involved were the founding members of CPSG. We wouldn't exist if it were not for Beau.

Beau has delivered for CPSG - Beau worked to get a majority of urbanist support on ANC 3C, and instilled confidence in his colleagues to elect him chair. Within a month he wrote a resolution to approve the high density FLUM amendment for the commercial area, which passed 6-3. Within two more months he and his fellow commissioners passed a resolution to support Concept C calling for bike lanes on Conn Ave with parking at the commercial area. It passed 7-1-1. Beau served on the Community Advisory Committee that developed Concept C. Beau was instrumental in starting the Revitalization effort back in 2017 that led to the city's funding of our Main Street organization. Beau chaired the Economic Vitality Committee and developed close ties with both merchants and property owners. Beau was also there during the planning of the Brooks Family emergency shelter, fighting back against the harsh criticism that surfaced in the community and the ANC. He helped pass resolutions that led to HPRB and BZA approval for the Macklin. Beau has delivered in every way CPSG could have hoped and would continue to deliver as Ward 3 Councilmember.

Beau's Depth - Beau's vision is grounded in the practical reality and knowledge of how to get things done. I've listened to a lot of rhetoric in this campaign from other candidates that I genuinely agree with, but know that will stay just that, rhetoric. Getting stuff done - bike lanes, better transit, investing in quality schools, historic preservation reform, upzoning and housing production, and investing in more affordable housing are goals that are linked to policies and agencies. Making progress quickly means understanding how to effect change within our system, even as we try to make broader changes that will take a much longer time frame. His platform of ideas, his responses to candidate questionnaires, his answers at the numerous forums all display someone who knows both where he wants to take the Ward, and how to get there.

Beau's Temperament - Getting things done on the Council requires good relationships and a personality that invites people to work with you. In DC, counting to Seven is critical for anything to become law. Beau has an endearing quality that makes his good ideas seem like yours, that he supports. I cannot overemphasize what a big deal this is. Some of the candidates in this race have personalities and styles that will go over like lead balloons on the Council. Councilmembers don't want to be lectured to by someone who thinks they have all the answers. They want teamwork and shared goals and victories. Beau will be a very successful coalition builder on the Council.

Beau's Agenda - Beau's focus on safer streets, better transit, small business vitality, housing, equity and climate action are issues right in CPSG's wheelhouse. His broader progressive issue set is also very appealing, albeit outside the consideration of CPSG.

Beau's Electability - Recently, conservative candidate Eric Goulet has talked about a poll done earlier in the race that some group had shared with him to assess the race and 90% of voters were undecided. No one started this race as a front runner. In a nine candidate field in a primary that has historically had 14,000 total votes, this race is wide open. Some candidates are campaigning virtually, buying social media ads, and covering the Ward with signs. Beau, who quit his job to run for council, is going door to door every day throughout the Ward talking to actual Democratic primary voters. He did this when he was elected Ward 3 Democratic Committeeman and defeated the old guard. He's knocked on over 4,000 doors and spoken to over 1,000 voters. No one can match him on door knocking. Others are weekend warriors. When Beau is not knocking, he's calling voters. He's hoarded his campaign resources to start mailings now and will have enough for many mailings to the homes where he cannot knock: apartment residents. Beau can absolutely win this race!

Support one of our own, who will be a great Councilmember for CPSG, Ward 3 and DC.


Bob Ward


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