ANC Vote Should Be About the Future, Not the Past

Cleveland Park is enjoying the benefit of two highly competitive ANC races that present about the clearest contrast between candidates that represent the past versus candidates focused on the future.

Keith Mantel (3C08) and Sauleh Siddiqui (3C05) are candidates that represent Cleveland Park’s future. Both have been endorsed by forward-thinking groups that prioritize fighting climate change, transit-oriented development, and complete streets. They have been endorsed by the hyper-local Cleveland Park Smart Growth, Ward 3 Bike Advocates and Greater Greater Washington.

Both Rick Nash (3C08) and Nick Ide (3C05), the respective opponents to Mantel and Siddiqui, have “endorsements” pages on their websites. They both read as a who’s who list of Cleveland Park from days gone by. ANC commissioners from before the iPhone. CPCA presidents. Neighbors who called Cleveland Park home since the 1960s. Historical Society leaders. Leaders in the fight to delay the Giant at Cathedral Commons. They are endorse, in short, by the village elders.

I know these folks are proud and passionate about Cleveland Park’s past and work very hard, on a volunteer basis, to keep the status quo. But like many neighborhoods, times change. Priorities are reset. Change that was protested three decades ago is now something people want to happen.

The choice in both of these elections couldn’t be more clear. You can chose the past, and candidates who are trying to lip synch the latest hits, or you can actually vote for the future and candidates who are fighting for it everyday. I hope my neighbors vote for the future and elect Keith Mantel and Sauleh Siddiqui to ANC 3C.


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Ward 3 Ranked Choice Voting Poll