Council Approves Ward 3 ANC Map

The Council rejected a last minute attempt by Phil Mandelson to rewrite the Ward 3 ANC map, instead going with the map developed over the course of four months by the Ward 3 Task Force and the Council’s Redistricting Subcommittee. The vote was 10-3 in favor of the amendment by Mary Cheh and Elissa Silverman to replace Mendelson’s map. My thanks to both Councilmembers Cheh and Silverman for their leadership and their willingness to allow an evolution in how we think about ANCs in this part of the District. They supported the Task Force’s principles even as they sought compromise.

I realize that some in Cleveland Park are still unhappy, although only a small portion of Cleveland Park remains outside of ANC 3C. The compromise adopted, which is similar to one I offered back in March, is a workable solution. In the end, things will work out and people will have their say on the issues that matter to them.

What survived the process is a new ANC centered on Wisconsin Ave, the new ANC 3A. It draws from ANC’s 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E and 3F. No longer will residents in this part of the Ward need to wait though discussions about areas distant from them at their ANC meetings.

Soon the Board of Elections will be publishing the new maps. Find out what your new district is. If you are reading this, it means you have an interest in your community. Consider running for ANC.

Here are the Ward 3 ANC approved by the Council on June 7th: (note the map for ANC 3/4 G only contains the Ward 3 portion and the map for AU within ANC 3E does not show the district divisions)







ANC 3/4G (Ward 3 portion only)


Ward 3 Ranked Choice Voting Poll


Mendo’s Hail Mary